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what is the mountain range between spain and france

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One of the main features of the Pyrenees mountains is that they form a natural margin 'tween France and Spain. There is a French proverb saying: "Vérité nut deçà des Pyrénées. Erreur gold-delà" (Truth from this side of the Pyrenees, error happening the else side). IT is a proverb from Pascal, a celebrated European country philosopher from the 17th century and is non an insult to our Spanish friends but it means that what is right for somebody stool be false for someone else.

Barétous Valley © Nicolas guionnet - licence [CC BY-SA 3.0] from Wikimedia Commons

Barétous Vale © Nicolas guionnet – license [Cardinal BY-SA 3.0] from Wikimedia Green

The Pyrenees mountains organize one of the seven mountain ranges of France aboard the The Alps, the Vosges, the Jura, the Massif Central, the Armorican Massif and the Corsican Massif. As its eastern alpine cousin  the Pyrenees are well known for their sharp peaks. The Massif is also famous for its diversity, especially in terms of landscape.


The Pyrenees Mountain range is a vast chain separating French Republic from Spain. It runs from the Atlantic sea-coast in the True laurel of Biscay to the Gulf of Lion on the Mediterranean coast, for a length of 430 kilometres. The Pyrenees Mountains take in three different body regions (from West to East): Aquitaine, Midi-Pyrénées and Languedoc-Roussillon. The Pyrenees bottom atomic number 4 separate into ternary regions: the Pyrénées Atlantiques (Atlantic go with) taking in the Basque area; the Pyrénées Centrales (central arena) which has atomic number 102 roads leading to Spain leave off for that crossing the col of Puymorens; and the Pyrénées Orientales (Mediterranean side) where the crop falls into the sea southwestward of Perpignan. In entire, the Pyrenees cover an area of 19 000 km². The crop includes 129 important and 83 secondary summits, all of them higher than 3,000 metres. The Pyrenees' highest summit is the Aneto Elevation (3,404 m) which forms the southernmost section of the Madaleta massif. These summits are mainly located to the concentrate of the wander. As a matter of fact, both connected their Hesperian and the eastern ends, the mountains become hills when they meet the Atlantic and the Mediterranean Sea.

Situation map © Frenchmoments frenchmoments

One of the about consequential and ancient roles of the Pyrenees is that they serve as a natural surround between two countries: Espana and France. A third country is settled in the chain: the little Principality of Principality of Andorra which is one of the accesses to Spain, via Le Pas de lanthanum Case. Other road golf links to Spain are  finished the Puymorens  pass (Col de Puymorens, Pyrénées-Orientales), the Bielsa tunnel (burrow de Bielsa, Hautes-Pyrénées) and the Somport burrow (tunnel du Somport, Pyrénées-Atantiques). These roads are extremely frequented, especially the tunnels, A they are the fastest and easiest ways to Spain. The surrounding villages have always been busy and ideal for business. Many shops are saved along the borders, at the entrances to tunnels and at the foot of the famous mountains. Enjoying a location with a lot of traffic, they attract crowds of tourists with their cheap prices for different items, particularly alcohol and cigarettes.

Moreover, the Pyrenees host many well known towns. Located 60 km forth from the first hills of the Pyrenees, the largest and most famous town in the area is Toulouse, capital city of the Midi-Pyrénées region, best-known all just about the world for its gastronomy and its dynamic culture and home to many companies, in particular Airbus. On that point are not many large towns found in the reach itself merely a multitude of small ones. Amongst them in that location is Lourdes, a pilgrimage place for Catholics, where the Madonn is said to have appeared to Bernadette Soubirous in a cave 18 multiplication between February and July 1858. In addition, what contributes to the reputation of the Pyrenees are the tiny villages between the mountains, in the valleys operating theatre along the roads leading to the commanding pastures.

Finally, the Pyrenees contain several National Parks and nature reserves. The largest and to the highest degree famous is the Pyrenees National Park, created in 1967 and located happening the French side of the massif around Cirque de Gavarnie. The Neouvielle Reserve (Réserve naturelle du Néouvielle) is France's third oldest reserve and well  known for its lakes and its microclimate. American Samoa a mountain rove, the Pyrenees display a productive and different landscape made up of snow-capped gobs peaks, deep green valleys and coastal undulating hills.


As a consequence of the Pyrenees being a very long chain of mountain, the climate is not the same everywhere. On the western position of the range, the law of proximity to the Bay of Biscay (Golfe de Gascogne) is significant in understanding the tempt of the body of water climate in this domain. Then again, on the eastern side of the massif the mood is more Mediterranean ascribable the wind advent from the Mediterranean Sea which accumulates the heat of the Iberia peninsula before hitting the summits. This explains why thither is more than rain connected the western pull, near the Basque region (150 to 250 cm per year), than on the eastern side.

Summers are cooler in the west but winters are colder in the east. This difference had an impact on the human occupation of the massif and many importantly connected the landscapes. The French side of the Pyrenees is entirely covered with forests, green valleys and ice valleys like the Ossau Valley. In contrast, the landscapes on the Spanish side and  orient contribution of the massif really looking at Mediterranean, even arid sometimes. The low rainfall combined with the uncomfortable and non-humid wind blowing from Spain have encouraged the presence of scrubland and yearn trees.

These differences in climate also experience an impact on the fauna and the flora of the Pyrenees where a huge diverseness of trees, plants and animals can Be found, depending on the altitude.

Fauna and flora

The plant life of the Pyrenees is dense and rich; information technology includes approximately 4,500 species, of which 150 only grow therein region of French Republic (endemic species). Amongst them, we find out the Pyrenean saxifrage, the Columbine (Ancolie des Pyrénées), the Iris of the Pyrenees and the blue thistle (Chardon blue cheese des Pyrénées). The regulate of the Mediterranean Sea and the hot winds coming from Spain also play an important part, with entirely different flora along the eastern side of the massif, mainly composed of scrubland and shrubs rather than large green pastures and forests. The virtually commonly found trees in the Pyrenees are pine, fir, beech and oak trees.

There is also great diversity in the fauna plant in the Pyrenees. The best well-known animal found there is the brown bear, hunted almost to defunctness. Since 1996, versatile associations ingest tried to enhance the species by reintroducing some bears to the region. This has often created conflict between the Association for the Protection of Bears and local shepherds. Another emblematic animal in the Pyrenees is the marmot and if visitors are patient and stay placidity, they might see their weensy heads looking over the rocks. The Pyrenees shelter many other mammals so much as wolves, wild boars, red deer, wildcats, mouflons, squirrels, lynx and lizards, besides as raptors, especially chief of state eagles and eagle-owls.

Human Line of work

The Pyrenees region is a commonwealth of direct contrast and this becomes superficial when IT comes to human occupation. Human activities throughout the Pyrenees are intimately coupled to climatic features.

Thus on the eastern side, close to the Mediterranean Sea, the hot temperatures, sunshine and the softer slopes provid the output of wine-colored. The to the highest degree famous vineyards are located around Banyuls-sur-Mer, close to the border with Spain. The Banyuls is an AOC (Appellation d'Origine Controlée – a lineament label) produced in the south-east corner of the Pyrenees range, in the area better-known as "Côte Vermeille" around the four cities of Collioure, Porthole-Vendres, Banyuls-sur-Mer and Cerbère. This wine is mainly a dessert wine and goes perfectly with chocolate. The Côte Vermeille, with its tiny, beautiful and hospitable towns along the Sea, is worth a inflict.

On the some other side of the Pyrenees in the Basque region, where the climate is more wet, the main occupancy is farming in the immense meadows at the foot of the mountains or in the high pastures for the herdsmen. The Basque rural area also enjoys a healed developed tourism sector, thanks to its reputation for quiet and peaceful towns as well as the proximity to some the Atlantic and the high mountains. In the Central field, the occupations are frequently threefold for farmers and herdsman who tend their farms during bound and summertime and when winter and the coke come with, these herdsmen or farmers become ski instructors in unusual ski resorts.

To boot, there are many interesting villages, one afterward the other, in the valleys operating theatre close in the mountains. These villages are also tourist attractions as they are the centre for umteen handmade traditions. Each village has its specialty and IT is often a pleasure to just walk about and delight admiring old houses, listening to the sound of rivers or tasting delicious territorial products. Tourism corpse the intense occupation of the massif. The thriftiness is closely linked to the seasons and touristry. The hoi polloi of the Pyrenees live with the calendar method of birth control of the winter and the summertime seasons.

During winter, the main attractions are overwinter sports (ski, snowshoeing, etc…) and the different resorts are always fully booked. In summer, the scene is rather different. The Pyrenees becomes a completely different region: quieter and more peaceful since it does not rank amongst the more popular summertime destinations such as the sunlight coasts of the French Riviera (Côte d'Azur). Nonetheless, the Pyrenees during summertime are a "must see" if you get ahead to France at this time of the year. IT is the best metre to enjoy their natural beauty and the diversity of species. Most of the time, days are very warm and when the Dominicus shines, the temperatures canful well reach higher up 25 degrees Celsius which is ideal for hiking.

Skiing during winter

The Pyrenees Mountains are, most importantly, known for their… mountains. Therefore it is peerless of the favourite muscae volitantes for French and Spanish tourists seeking  wintertime entertainment and the joy of skiing. The Pyrenees do not have the dimension of the Alps Mountains and ski resorts are much smaller thither than in Alps. Yet, this is unmatchable of their best strengths American Samoa many house friendly resorts can be found, ideal for beginners and children. One such resort is Val Louron which is well glorious for its merrymaking, its beginners' ski trails and its level-headed prices. This sort of ski resort is FAR from the crowded ones in Alps, where you can demand in several fresh atmosphere and savor skiing without a bunch of crazy skiers around you!

Differently, if you are a schussboomer or if you enjoy big resorts, go to One thousand Tourmalet-Barèges-La Mongie, the Pyrenees' most far-famed resort, with the largest ski expanse: 70 ski trails and an output of 42,000 skiers per hour! Click here for further details. The other ski resorts are au fon in between these two extremes and offer a robust variety of ski trails which beginners and good skiers can savour.

For those who are non looking for skiing, early activities send away be found such as snowshoeing, discovering the area on a sleigh pulled away dogs or simply walking around in the small mountains' villages to enjoy a hot beverage or a local dish.

The Pyrenees receive a total of 38 ski resorts, intense in the midst component of the massif, where the highest summits are found. The 38 ski resorts are located in the territories of 6 départements: Pyrénées-Atlantiques (6), Haute-Garonne (3), Aude (1), Hautes-Pyrénées (11), Ariège (9) and Pyrénées-Orientales (8). These ski resorts are virtual for the economy of the region, attracting many tourists during the winter time of year which runs from Christmas to the Easter French school holiday period.

Hiking during summer

The Pyrenees are also beautiful during summer and as they are located in the south of France, the temperatures are often higher compared to other massif such as in the Vosges. Even at the top side of the mountain, some days can be in truth warm, with temperatures around 20 degrees celsius at noonday. These weather conditions are perfect to delight hiking. The Pyrenees propose a range of walks, from easy to difficult, all of which offer up amazing views. For those WHO have the chance to visit the massif during summer and overwinter, the contrast is striking: the Pyrenees are reborn and the melting snow provides water to the vegetation which gives the deep green colour to the mountains' pastures and trees.

For the more courageous, well toilet-trained and old hikers, you will enjoy hybridization the undivided rate from Eastern United States to West along approximately 870 km. This cover is called the GR10 (Grande Randonnée) and links the Atlantic Ocean at Hendaye to the Mediterranean Sea at Banuyls-sur-Mer. The hiking trail criss-crosses the mountains at a moderate altitude. There is also the opportunity to follow the HRP (Haute Randonnée Pyrénéenne – Advanced Pyrenean Tramp) which has the highest summits along the Franco-Spanish border.

For people who are not rattling into hiking, the Pyrenees also offering activities such as paragliding, caving, rafting, tree climbing, etc…

Pyrenean Gastronomy

The Pyrenees display a rugged preparation identity with a wide range of delicious local anesthetic preparation specialities. Some products and dishes are influenced away the close proximity of the Basque Country and of Catalonia like the bouillinade (fish stew flavoured with air-dry Banyuls wine), piballes (baby eels), or marmite (grilled put on in a gamey mussel-and-scallop sauce). Indeed, the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea provide fish and seafood which are a strong feature in the local anaesthetic cuisine.

Some mountain dishes admit the Bigorre Black Pig, AOC Lamb of Barèges-Gavarnie and cured meats possess always enjoyed a swollen status in the Pyrenees: salamis made from pork Oregon duck and not forgetting the famous Bayonne Ham (Jambon de Bayonne). Cheeses from the Pyrenees are mainly produced from goat (chèvre) and ewe (brebis) milks. There are several cheeses produced in the Pyrenees, most of them named after their cradle: the Pyrenean Tomme with its distinctive thin black skin cover, the Basque pressed cheese of Ineguy, Ossau-Iraty and the cheese of Laguiole, produced accordant to hereditary methods in the Aubrac area.

Bayonne in the Basque Country has gained recognition for its chocolate industry. Confiseries and chocolateries in Bayonne and in the surrounding region have sold high-character chocolate for centuries. The city is particularly egotistic of its fresh umber just the beautiful little boutiques declare oneself chocolate in a wide choice of forms, from ice-cream to caramels to bars.

The Pyrenean dessert of excellency is arguably the "Gâteau à La Broche". This very favourite party sweet is made with a pastry about waffles, poured slowly on a spit over a chimney fire.

Other local desserts include macarons from Nonesuch-Jean-Diamond State-Luz, touron (marzipan garnished with pistachio around the bend), tourtière (puff pastry flavoured with rummy or plums soaked in Armagnac), rosquillas (Catalan almond cake), and bunyetess (custard doughnuts).

Cirque of Gavarnie and Roland's Breach (Corrie de Gavarnie et Brèche de Roland)

Roland's Rift is found in the cirque of Gavarnie, Glacial-erosion cirque which offers a nice diorama to the snow-flat-topped mountain peaks, both in summertime and winter. The Breach was named after Roland, Charles I's nephew. Caption has it he was attacked by storm at the communicate of Ronceveaux. When near to die, he tried to break his brand Durandal, creating a breach 40 metres wide and 100 metres high…! Nowadays, the breach is a famous place where you can see the contrast 'tween the French part of the Pyrenees (green and a trifle humid) and the Spanish people part (arid and with no vegetation). In fact the Breach is located right the border between the 2 countries.

You will indigence to walk for up to five hours (there and back) from the "col des tentes" to the breach. Even though it is worth the walk, you need to equal careful A it is not an easy hike. Do not forget to check the atmospheric condition forecast before planning a trip and practice not leave too late as storms can be dangerous at this high altitude.

Aure Valley (Vallée d'Aure)

The Aure Valley is located in the département of Hautes-Pyrénées, at the heart of the massif. This valley has always been very important as it has always been a preferred way to cross the natural border to move in Spain. Nowadays this is feasible via the Bielsa burrow. Additionally, the vale is one of the places most frequented by tourists in the Pyrenees thanks to its variety of activities. In fact, there you will find two famous ski resorts: Saint-Lary and Piau-Engaly and during summer, there are many activities such as tree climbing and also skillful hikes to do in the Rioumajou Vale or in the Néouvielle Park.

The valley is also well known thanks to its main villages where there is always something to impart, a handcraftsman's store or a very good eating place (The Theater of Cassoulet in Saint Lary) and do non forget to taste the local spit cake (Gâteau à la Broche). At Arreau, the village at the entrance to the vale, information technology is realizable to attend a "Gâteau à Louisiana Broche" preparation workshop. For each one year, the Brotherhood of the cake runs the  Festival of the Gâteau à la Broche in the medieval town.

Néouvielle National Reserve (Réserve Naturelle Nationale du Néouvielle)

The sensational National Park of Néouvielle is located in the Aure Valley, half an minute's get from Saint Lary (D929). The better attractions of Néouvielle are the three lakes (Orédon, Aubert and Cap Long), entirely of them connected to each other via smaller lakes (laquettes). The hiking here is beautiful, sometimes difficult because it gets steep, but indeed refreshing as you always walk about under the fir tree trees. Néouvielle is a placid place where you can enjoy the beauty of the landscape, the reflections of the Edward D. White summits of the mountains against the cold cerulean of the lakes. This set back is definitely worth a stop!

Louron Valley (Vallée du Louron)

The Louron Valley is located in the same area as the Aure Valley except that you turn leftmost afterward the undersize Village of Arreau as an alternative of going straight on. The two valleys are connected via the Azet Pass but it is quicker to drive to Arreau if you want to reach Loudenvielle, the main village of the Louron valley, from Saint-Lary. This vale is too very popular, in particular due to its huge lake, the lake of Génos-Loudenvielle, named after the two villages nearby. In winter, it is a pleasure to walk around the lake, frozen at some points piece during summertime incomparable can enjoy opposite activities such every bit climbing tree trails, paragliding lessons surgery just lying in the grass near the lake and enjoying an open-air picnic.

During overwinter this valley and Loudenvielle are a medial location atomic number 3 there are cardinal independent ski resorts located nigh: Val Louron (righ trom Loudenvielle) a small and folk oriented resort and Peyragudes (to the left) a grownup and well-known ski resort. In addition, Loudenvielle and Génos are always busy arsenic they are the main villages in that area; they let in different shops and handcraftsmen's stores. Plus, there is a favourite and brand new balneotherapy: la Balnéa.

Banyuls-sur-Mer and its vineyards

Banyuls-sur-Mer is located happening the eastern side of meat of the Pyrenees and is famous as it is the identify of a French Wine AOC (recording label of calibre) as the area of production spreads around City of London. This red vino is very famous and goes perfectly with chocolate dessert.

There is a museum which tells the story of the vineyards and you fanny even predilection the wine at the end of the guided term of enlistment! Apart from the urban center of Banyuls, there are several things to discover in the local area from the primary, very popular and often crowded city of Argelès-sur-Mer to the littler towns and villages happening the hillside, overlooking the Mediterranean Seagoing. Among them is Collioure, located 20 transactions from Banyuls-sur Mer and 15 minutes from Argelès-sur-Mer.

This stunning little town is famous for its ancient predominate and its interesting monuments. Opposite places also worth a visit include Port-Vendres, a small harbour close to Collioure. Advance to the Confederacy is Cerbère, the last town before Spain, a busy place owing to the fact that each the trains for Barcelona and Spain have to stop there arsenic the railway widths are not the same on some sides of the Pyrenees.

Another advantage of this region is its proximity to sunny Spain and the beautiful metropolis of Barcelona!

La Path des Cols (The Road of the Passes)

The Pyrenees are a paradise for cyclists, especially the fans of the "Grande Boucle", the Tour First State France. Every year in July, the most far-famed cycling competition passes through the Pyrenees and a great deal the leaders engagement for victory here. If you watch the "Itinerary diethylstilboestrol Cols", you leave discover, among the 34 cols, the most famous name calling of the Turn de France : Tourmalet, Aspin, Aubisque, Plateau de Beille, Port de Balès, Peyresourde, etc. The road crosses the massif from the Atlantic Ocean to the Mediterranean. Entirely on your head trip, you bequeath enjoy beautiful landscapes and many vantage points overlooking the valleys.

Nonetheless, check out the weather and the traffic conditions before leaving. In the winter season, some mountain passes are closed referable the snow.

More inside information about la route DES cols hither.

Mount Canigou

Situated in the Eastern Pyrenees above the town of Perpignan, Wax Canigou is the emblematic loads of Spanish and European country Catalonia, just as Mount Ventoux is for Provence. At the metrical unit of the tip stands impressive monasteries such As Prieuré Diamond State Serrabona, Saint-Michel-de-Cuixà and Saint-Martin-du-Canigou. Well thought out as the sacred mountain of Catalonia, Mount Canigou rises to 2,784 metres above the Tech and Têt valleys.

The superlative is accessible just past walking and on a fine Clarence Shepard Day Jr., the panoramic view from there is breathtaking, reaching to the snowy peaks of the Central Pyrenees and to the Mediterranean Sea.

How to get there

As the Pyrenees extend ended 430 kilometer, there are some ways to access the massif. Some cities put up an entrance door to the Pyrenees: Bayonne, Pau, Tarbes, Lourdes, Lannemezan, Canonize-Gaudens, Foix, Limoux and Perpignan.

Reach out the west-central part of the massif within 7 hours either by caravan (with a connection in Bordeaux) or by cable car via the A10 motorway. You can also fly from Paris straight to the Biarritz-Anglet-Bayonne airport so rent a car from there.

To attend the central part of the Chain, you can fly from Genus Paris to Lourdes-Tarbes Airport (1h25) and past take a train (to Lannemezan) or rent a automobile from there. You put up drive from Paris, in the direction of Toulouse (A20 motorway) and you leave get to the foot of the mountains within 7 hours. It testament take you the same time to travel away train (connectedness in Toulouse or Tarbes).

To go to the Mediterranean set out of the Pyrenees, you can wing from Paris to Perpignan (1h20) and rent a car to explore the beautiful towns of the Côte Vermeille. You can also drive to Banyuls-sur-Mer within 8 hours (A71 and A75 motorways) or take a coach to Banyuls, from Genus Paris-Gare de Lyon (6h30 with a association in Perpignan).

The Pyrenees are non that about Paris just Eastern Samoa in that location are a number of airports placed in the area, it is still easy in hand. Even by string Beaver State by car, it takes no many than 8 hours. Also, the Pyrenees offer the unique chance to switch 'tween France and Spain as Barcelona is located simply 3 hours motor from Banuyls-sur-Mer and San Sebastian is only half an hour from Hendaye.

Visit the Tourist Board of the Pyrenees for more info.

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what is the mountain range between spain and france

Source: https://frenchmoments.eu/le-massif-des-pyrenees-the-pyrenees-mountains/

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